Horizons by Canadian High Schools Model United Nations (CAHSMUN Horizons) is a two-day high school Model UN conference held at the Richmond Conference Centre in Richmond, B.C. Welcoming 400 students from all over the Lower Mainland and beyond, CAHSMUN Horizons is an endeavour that reflects the changing landscape of Model UN. Created with the hope of increasing accessibility without sacrificing quality, CAHSMUN Horizons facilitates the development of public speaking, collaboration, and critical thinking skills for students regardless of background or experience. Designed specifically with the developing delegate in mind, CAHSMUN Horizons is ultimately a learning experience; fulfilling CAHSMUN’s mission of providing accessible service, academic orientation, and a broader international consciousness to delegates.

CAHSMUN Horizons is an opportunity unlike any other for students to discuss pertinent global issues in an environment that prioritizes learning and personal growth. Delegates at CAHSMUN Horizons will participate in one of ten committees carefully selected to reflect the diversity of the United Nations. Ranging from General Assemblies that include upwards of 100 member-states, to intimate crises that challenge even the most advanced of delegates, participants will have a chance to debate a wide array of topics throughout the weekend. During CAHSMUN Horizons, delegates will assume the role of UN representatives, member-states in transnational organizations, and even historical figures.

At CAHSMUN Horizons, delegates will learn how to apply collaborative skills in an unfamiliar environment, while developing their own opinions through speeches, resolution papers, and articles. Through fierce debate and persuasive negotiation, delegates will deepen their understanding of the multifaceted relationships that link states, expand their perspectives on global conflicts, and carefully craft comprehensive resolutions to real-world issues. The debate at CAHSMUN Horizons is meant to serve as an entryway to a world of debate, discussion, and discovery that awaits delegates far after they leave the committee room. The skills, experiences, and networks nurtured through CAHSMUN Horizons will supplement their personal growth as engaged global citizens.

We are grateful for the work of Andy Jiang, Derick Yuan, and Alex Han who developed Horizons into an overnight conference, and Kevin Nan and Fredrick Ni who founded Horizons as SurreyMUN in 2015.

Our Core Pillars

International Consciousness
CAHSMUN Horizons’ inception was fuelled by the desire to aid delegates in the pursuit of understanding global issues, and learning about the complex relationships between nations in our interconnected world. By introducing an accessible committees program that encompasses a wide array of transnational, regional, and even historical topics, our conference is a gateway for delegates to explore the world of international relations.

With smaller committee sizes and a focus on participation from all member-states within the committee, it is our aim that delegates will leave CAHSMUN Horizons with heightened global awareness and a passion for diplomacy. Click here to learn more about our committees program.

Academic Orientation
Since CAHSMUN’s inception in 2004, our dedication to learning has distinguished us as an academically prestigious experience. Our commitment to learning and development is evident in not only our delegate experience, but also the preparation and expertise of our staff and Secretariat. We prioritize the production of thoroughly researched background guides, informative delegate resources, and compendious guidance on the part of staff throughout the conference. Our staff are comprehensively prepared through multiple staff training sessions, and their work in the months leading up to the conference enables them to lead an educational and interactive committee setting. Within such an environment, delegates are able to maximize their learning through an environment conducive to growth; challenging their personal boundaries with the guidance of their staff.

As a conference completely led by high school students, we offer youth the ability to develop critical skills for their futures by serving as volunteers, staff members, and Secretariat. In leading a committee, facilitating conference logistics, and even organizing the conference, students exercise their personal leadership skills and broaden their networks.

Accessible Service
CAHSMUN’s dedication to accessible service is what sets us apart from other Model UN conferences. Our complete commitment to this value is reflected in our provision of over $35,000 in financial aid subsidies over the past seven years, proudly meeting 100% of need. It is our firm belief that all delegates should be able to participate in Model UN, regardless of their financial background. CAHSMUN Horizons is proud to uphold this value by providing an affordable alternative to traditional hotel conferences, without sacrificing conference quality.

Furthermore, CAHSMUN’s Foundations Program provides assistance to delegates, clubs, club leaders, and sponsor teachers through in-school presentations and workshops, administrative support, and inter-school mock sessions. If you are interested in participating in the Foundations Program, or would like assistance in setting up a new Model UN club at your school, feel free to contact us at outreach@cahsmun.org. For more information about this program, click here.

Canadian High Schools Model United Nations

CAHSMUN Horizons is an event presented by Canadian High Schools Model United Nations, an annual student-led conference that provides a simulation of the United Nations for high school students in which they can gain knowledge of international affairs and develop their public speaking skills. CAHSMUN 2024 will be taking place from April 12th to 14th as we plan to welcome over 1,000 attendees in 3 days of debate, innovation and diplomacy.