Historical Crisis Committee (HCC)

It is Christmas Eve of 1979 and the Soviet Union has launched an all out attack on Afghanistan in an attempt to protect economic resources, spread communist ideology and command political power in the region. The Afghan-Soviet War has begun. From 1978, the state of Afghanistan began to deteriorate as the government split from the emergence of the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA), who were supported by the Soviet Union. Facing opposition from the Muslim population including mainly the Mujahideen, an Afghan rebel group, and ethnic groups, Afghanistan has entered a state of turmoil. With a multitude of parties involved in the conflict, it is up to the HCC delegates to engage in this conflict and advance their personal and national interests. The future of the Middle East, a region of rich resources and trade, is now in your hands.

The HCC is a Crisis Committee and is highly recommended for experienced delegates wishing for a challenge. Position papers are not mandatory, but highly recommended. However, to be considered for an award, delegates must submit one by 11:59PM PST on November 25, 2023, or November 17, 2023 for feedback from the dais team. Please read about Horizons’ Position Paper policy, which can be found below. Questions, inquiries, and position papers for this committee can be emailed to horizons-hcc@cahsmun.org.

Briana Chen | Director
Briana is currently a senior at Crofton House School and is excited to be serving as the Director of the Historical Crisis Committees at Horizons 2023. Since grade 9, Briana began her MUN career with a nervous yet enthusiastic mindset toward the unfamiliar world of international relations. From attending her first committee session, she has come to understand the impact MUN has brought upon her knowledge and long-lasting friendships through multifaceted debates and extensive nights of research. During her spare time, Briana enjoys reading science fiction books and creating artworks with different materials such as paint. Briana truly looks forward to meeting all delegates, and is ecstatic for an unforgettable weekend at Horizons 2023!

Sophie Xu | Chair
A sophomore at Richmond Christian School, Sophie is elated to be serving as Chair of the Historical Crisis Committee. From timidly raising her placard in WHO to being fully immersed in the debate of war crimes in DISEC, Sophie’s journey in Model UN was nothing short of exhilarating. MUN has provided an array of memorable moments and valued memories from discussing resolutions to mindlessly searching for dinner in Downtown Vancouver. Outside of MUN, Sophie enjoys terrorizing her two adorable cats, scrolling for new thrillers to watch on Netflix, and exploring the islands of Poptropica. Sophie is determined to make the committee room fun, engaging, and an unforgettable experience for delegates at the 5th iteration of Horizons.

Amber Yang | Chair

Currently a junior at Semiahmoo Secondary School, Amber is delighted to serve as Chair of the Historical Crisis Committee at Horizons 2023. From being tossed into her first MUN conference extemporaneously in grade 9 and finding herself scrambling to conjure up witty retorts to the US’s pernicious accusations, to genuflecting herself in front of Emperor Napoleon I in plead of his presence on the battlefield, Amber has adored the riveting debates of MUN and the friends made along the way ever since. When not sipping on coffee or scribbling down lengthy directives, Amber can be found snuggled in the corner of her room with a book, stitching up various costumes, or tripping over her own two feet in an effort to dance. Amber is looking forward to meeting everyone and hopes that all delegates will enjoy a memorable and thrilling experience at Horizons 2023!